Package jexer
Class THelpWindow
- java.lang.Object
- jexer.TWidget
- jexer.TWindow
- jexer.THelpWindow
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static java.lang.String
Fields inherited from class jexer.TWindow
ABSOLUTEXY, CENTERED, helpTopic, HIDEONCLOSE, inKeyboardResize, inWindowMove, inWindowResize, MODAL, mouse, NOCLOSEBOX, NOZOOMBOX, overlay, OVERRIDEMENU, RESIZABLE, statusBar, underlay
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description THelpWindow(TApplication application)
Public constructor.THelpWindow(TApplication application, java.lang.String topic)
Public constructor.THelpWindow(TApplication application, Topic topic)
Public constructor.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description CellAttributes
Retrieve the background color.CellAttributes
Retrieve the border color.CellAttributes
Retrieve the color used by the window movement/sizing controls.void
onResize(TResizeEvent event)
Handle window/screen resize events.void
setHelpTopic(java.lang.String topic)
Set the topic to display.-
Methods inherited from class jexer.TWindow
activate, addOverlay, addShortcutKeypress, addUnderlay, center, clearShortcutKeypresses, close, draw, ensureOnScreen, getApplication, getHelpTopic, getMaximumWindowHeight, getMaximumWindowWidth, getMinimumWindowHeight, getMinimumWindowWidth, getScreen, getStatusBar, getTitle, getZ, hasCloseBox, hasHiddenMouse, hasOverriddenMenu, hasZoomBox, hide, inMovements, isHidden, isModal, isResizable, isShortcutKeypress, isShown, maximize, mouseOnClose, mouseOnMaximize, mouseOnResize, newStatusBar, onClose, onCommand, onFocus, onHide, onKeypress, onMenu, onMouseDown, onMouseMotion, onMouseUp, onPreClose, onShow, onUnfocus, removeShortcutKeypress, restore, setCloseBox, setHiddenMouse, setMaximumWindowHeight, setMaximumWindowWidth, setMinimumWindowHeight, setMinimumWindowWidth, setResizable, setTackboardsDirty, setTitle, setZ, setZoomBox, show, stopMovements, toString
Methods inherited from class jexer.TWidget
activate, activate, activateAll, addButton, addCalendar, addCheckBox, addCheckBox, addComboBox, addDirectoryList, addDirectoryList, addDirectoryList, addDirectoryList, addEditor, addField, addField, addField, addField, addImage, addImage, addLabel, addLabel, addLabel, addLabel, addLabel, addLabel, addList, addList, addList, addList, addPanel, addPasswordField, addPasswordField, addPasswordField, addProgressBar, addRadioGroup, addRadioGroup, addSpinner, addSplitPane, addTable, addTable, addText, addText, addTreeViewWidget, addTreeViewWidget, compareTo, doRepaint, drawBox, drawBox, drawBoxShadow, drawChildren, fileOpenBox, fileOpenBox, fileOpenBox, fileOpenBox, fileSaveBox, getAbsoluteX, getAbsoluteY, getActiveChild, getAttrXY, getChildren, getClipboard, getCursorAbsoluteX, getCursorAbsoluteY, getCursorX, getCursorY, getCustomMousePointer, getHeight, getLayoutManager, getMouseStyle, getParent, getTheme, getWidgetUnderMouse, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getY, handleEvent, hasChild, hLineXY, inputBox, inputBox, inputBox, isAbsoluteActive, isActive, isCursorVisible, isDrawable, isEchoKeystrokes, isEnabled, isPixelMouse, isVisible, messageBox, messageBox, mouseWouldHit, onIdle, onMouseDoubleClick, putAll, putAttrXY, putAttrXY, putCharXY, putCharXY, putCharXY, putStringXY, putStringXY, remove, remove, remove, remove, removeAll, resetTabOrder, setActive, setCursorVisible, setCursorX, setCursorY, setCustomMousePointer, setDimensions, setEchoKeystrokes, setEchoKeystrokes, setEnabled, setHeight, setLayoutManager, setMouseStyle, setParent, setupForTWindow, setVisible, setWidth, setWindow, setX, setY, splitHorizontal, splitVertical, switchWidget, toPrettyString, toPrettyString, vLineXY
Constructor Detail
public THelpWindow(TApplication application, java.lang.String topic)
Public constructor.- Parameters:
- TApplication that manages this windowtopic
- the topic to start on
public THelpWindow(TApplication application, Topic topic)
Public constructor.- Parameters:
- TApplication that manages this windowtopic
- the topic to start on
public THelpWindow(TApplication application)
Public constructor.- Parameters:
- TApplication that manages this window
Method Detail
public void onResize(TResizeEvent event)
Handle window/screen resize events.
public final CellAttributes getBackground()
Retrieve the background color.- Overrides:
in classTWindow
- Returns:
- the background color
public CellAttributes getBorder()
Retrieve the border color.
public CellAttributes getBorderControls()
Retrieve the color used by the window movement/sizing controls.- Overrides:
in classTWindow
- Returns:
- the color used by the zoom box, resize bar, and close box
public void setHelpTopic(java.lang.String topic)
Set the topic to display.- Parameters:
- the topic to display